Happy Almost Halloween!! Even though most activities have been disrupted this year, the show must go on. That is why AVPA Music, led by Dr. Spano, is having a virtual haunted concert on Friday, October 30 at 7:00 pm. The concert is going to feature many groups like the AVPA Orchestra, Jazz Combos, Chamber Singers as well as the CCHS Orchestra and Concert Band. Some pieces that will be played include Vivaldi’s “Autumn” from his Four Season and “Belle” from Cajun Folk Songs. There are many more wonderful pieces so come find the zoom link at www.avpa.org to enjoy the music department’s program. Students will also be dressing up and telling a few short ghost stories to get everyone in the spirit of spooky season. If you can’t make it to the live performance and want to watch it later, you can find the recording of it on the AVPA website. So get comfy on your couch with some pumpkin pie and warm apple cider, and enjoy the show!
Virtual Haunted Concert
October 28, 2020
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About the Contributor
Evann McDowell, Staff Writer
Journalism is something that I love doing and being able to write articles that inspire and inform my community is what I hope to do.