Senior Spirit Week is Now Next Week!

October 7, 2021
Senior spirit week is coming up at CCHS! Here is what to expect:
Monday (10/18): It’s dodgeball everyone! There will be a dodgeball game held in the gym during lunch. Additionally, it’s meme day. Dress up like your favorite meme and laugh with your friends.
Tuesday (10/19): It’s twin day! Plan with your friends to freak people out by dressing up as twins. Make sure to keep it school appropriate, but have fun and get creative.
Wednesday (10/20): Dress up in your pajamas because it’s PJ day. You don’t even have to change clothes, just get out of bed and go to school. Attention Seniors! It’s Senior Sunrise, so join your fellow classmates at the football field before sunrise to watch it with all of your friends.
Thursday (10/21): It’s decade day, so borrow something out of your mom’s closet because we’re going back in time. Vintage clothes are the way to go. After all, it’s also Throwback Thursday.
Friday (10/22): We are going to have a pep rally at lunch to round out the week. Put on your formal wear because it’s for senior best.