Teaching is more than a job


Theodore Tran, Reporter

Walk into room 51 and you’ll see a teacher who really cares about her students. Becky Breitwieser is one of the 12 new teachers at CCHS, teaching AP English 11 and Myth and Legend.
Originally from Ohio, Breitwieser has moved from Silicon Valley to Santa Cruz before finally settling in Culver City with her husband and their two daughters.
Breitwieser has a long list of her various accomplishments. She has served as a chairman of a medical foundation, a worldwide traveler, an engineer at Silicon Valley, a private practicing lawyer, and much more.
Though, of all of her jobs, one catches her interest the most, teaching. “Hands down, teaching is my true passion. In everything that I have ever done, there has always been this teaching aspect that I loved.”
“Ms. Breitwieser is a very understanding teacher,” AP student Brandaleen Valdovinos said. “She doesn’t need you to hand in the perfect essay in the history of literature, but she wants to see improvement, which really shows her compassion and love for her students.”
Grading papers and lecturing students isn’t all Breitweiser does. In her free time, she enjoys bicycling, reading, free diving and scuba diving into the ocean, and contemplating about life. Breitwieser is even working on her own piece of literature. She continued her list, “One of my strange hobbies: I’m a mushroom hunter.” Fun fact, Breitwieser loves to search for and even cook the mushrooms that she encounters.
As a child, Brietwieser wasn’t always a bibliophile. In fact, she didn’t enjoy reading until she read Galileo and the Magic Numbers by Sidney Rosen. One of her favorite books, currently, is To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Rose, which got her interested in law.
When asked about her favorite part of CCHS, she responded, “It’s you guys, the students. I really do think that the students here are awesome. The school is so diverse and there are so many interesting people with interesting backgrounds.”