CULVER CITY- It’s that time of the year again when CCHS students get the chance to elect their peers into office, but the process may look a little different this year with distance learning. The 2020 election for Freshman and Senior class presidents requires a new approach from both ASB and student voters, so here’s all there is to know about the upcoming ballot.
“We’re trying to really promote sportsmanship,” said Eva Hooten, current ASB vice president and coordinator/ facilitator of the event. To ensure fairness and maintain a positive atmosphere, the process of voting has been well thought out. A Google Form will be open to Culver City High School students for exactly 24 hours, from 11:59 pm on Thursday night to 11:59 pm, on Friday the 18th. To vote, students can access the link through the ASB Instagram account’s bio, and are encouraged to get involved in sharing the link with friends. A CCUSD email account must be used, and every student may only vote once. As for the candidates, no Ns or Us are allowed if they plan on running. CCHS leaders are expected to show integrity and a positive attitude, so no forms of discrediting their opponents will be tolerated. “Candidates are not allowed to tear down other candidates in their campaigns. If they do, they are disqualified,” Hooten said.
As for who is running, there is an array of passionate contenders to choose from. For Freshman class president, Bianca Egan is the main candidate. Egan has been a part of ASB for two consecutive years, and was vice president last year in middle school. “I’m definitely someone that likes being involved,” Egan said. She plans on reforming the dress code that is “targeted at minorities” such as teenage girls and people of color. Running as her vice president is Gabriella “Gabby” Gilbert, who has also been passionate about the dress code and the implications it makes about a safe learning environment. Gilbert hopes to have an impact on people. “I would make CCHS a better place by making sure everyone feels comfortable on school campus,” Gilbert said.
Triston Ezidore is a senior who plans to build a legacy for current and future students alike. He wants to be a part of a school that will treat individuals with mental health issues and sexual assault victims with the respect that they deserve. “One of my main goals is to reduce the need for school police officers… a lot of people feel like there are racial biases and tendencies that they [engage in],” Triston said. His opponent is Julia Gomez, who wants to aim to provide more fun experiences including virtual and socially distanced events. “I hope to keep up the morale and stay connected as a class,” Gomez optimistically stated. Another big thing she wants to take into action is a monthly Zoom for Seniors to voice their opinions and express their concerns, and wants everyone to know that she will make sure they feel heard.
In total, there are three Seniors running for V.P. in the 2020 election. Lizbeth Mendez Martinez is an experienced leader who has had a variety of positions as a role model. “Throughout high school, I have had a little over eight leadership roles,” Martinez said. She is confident in her communication skills and ability to take on responsibility, and hopes to use this to her advantage by using budgets to create important programs and/or better her peers’ highschool experience. Emily Salgado has been vice president since her Freshman year, and hopes to use that experience to make good change for Culver City High.
“I hope I can help everyone as much as I can,” Salgado said. She finds it important to change the “nonchalant way the administration is about certain things”, and protect victims of all kinds. Devin Hayden is the third and final student running for vice president. “I want to be a voice for people that don’t have one, that’s my main reason,” Hayden said. He thinks the counselors need to put more focus on taking the time to truly hear students instead of only worrying about grades. “You are a human being before you are a student. You need to take care of your mental health in a safe environment before you can worry about your grades,” Hayden said.
The Friday election is coming soon, and the candidates want to collectively encourage and motivate CCHS students to vote. Triston Ezidore implores, “I want to urge the readers [of the Centaurian] all to vote. It’s important not only in the big election you see on TV, but in local and school elections, too. It’s important because it not only reveals who we are, but what we believe in.” Even after the election, ASB urges Culver City high schoolers to reach out and get involved in the school community. Choosing to vote in the upcoming ballot on Friday the 18th is a crucial step in showing school spirit and inspiring much-needed change. In the words of Bianca Egan, “Don’t let this year get away from you!”
Senior and Freshman Class President: 2020 Virtual Election
September 17, 2020
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About the Contributor

Lily Maxson, Co-President & Co-Editor-in-Chief
Hi, I’m Lily Maxson and I am a senior at CCHS with a passion for writing and the environment. This year I am Co-President of Journalism Club and one of the Editors-in-Chief of the Centaurian. Some of my interests include psychology, art, and activism. I hope that my articles can be a source of information and inspiration to those that read them.