True Jackson: From Writing Music During Quarantine to Hosting Her Own Shows

October 21, 2021
Senior True Jackson’s burgeoning music career is one that just even a year ago, she never could have expected. True’s beginning as a public artist started on Oct. 24 last year during quarantine, through the release of her first music album called Simulation. One year later, True had the opportunity to perform at CCHS’s homecoming tailgate and has hosted numerous shows, her most recent one with nearly 500 attendees.
“It feels unreal honestly. It’s weird to think a year ago or six months ago I was not at all in the place I am now,” True said.
With a passion for music and singing since her childhood days, True has always been involved in the world of music. However, her rise as an artist can ironically be credited to her isolation during quarantine.
“I feel like sitting in COVID and having nothing to do made it so that once we were out of COVID, I was able to put all those ideas I had into action,” True said.
After her release of Simulation last October, True worked on a single released on May 28 called So Sad, which she explains as being an ironic piece based on a real event in her life: “I specifically wrote it about this time when I was pushing someone away literally … wanting them not to [leave], so I kind of made it an upbeat song with a sad meaning to also match that irony.”
Recently, True was also featured on the song, You Girl, which is part of the album called Floating Head that was composed by Jonah Roy. An artist from St. Louis, Missouri, Roy is just one of the few musicians and songwriters that True often collaborates and performs with.
Due to the pandemic, however, True was only able to release her own music through online platforms. It wasn’t until June of this year that she first held her own show, where due to COVID restrictions, only around 60 people, all of whom were her friends and acquaintances, attended the live concert. Nevertheless, the experience of performing at her own show is one that True says she will always cherish.
“It’s the best feeling and it’s so fun when you get to hear people sing your lyrics back or just kind of dance to your songs,” she said.
It was just 4 months later in her most recent show where nearly 500 people paid to come listen to True’s and other artists’ music.
“I’m still kind of shocked by it,” said True, in response to the massive turnout of fans that included people she knew personally, as well as those she didn’t.
And most recently, she had the chance to perform at the homecoming tailgate for many of the students and staff at CCHS. While performing at school in front of all of her teachers was “weird” to a certain degree, she enjoyed playing regardless of the circumstances.
“I love performing no matter what and I love the people I play with,” True said. “And it was cool because afterwards, random kids in the halls that I didn’t really know were like, ‘Oh, I saw you at tailgate, you’re so good!’”
In regards to future goals, True plans on releasing a few singles before piecing together another album. Since all of her concerts have been “backyard shows,” she also hopes to eventually host shows at real venues throughout Los Angeles in December.
For now, however, True is still processing the large amount of support that she has received over this past year, as well as the fact that she finally achieved one of her initial dreams — to perform at her own show.
“It’s something I’ve always wanted since I was a little kid,” True said.